Say hello to simplified content that showcases YOU!

Solopreneurs and small business owners, you can finally save time with engaging and ethical content marketing solutions to deeply connect with your audience.

I help you create and repurpose content to increase brand awareness, attract quality clients, and do business in alignment.

Magnetic Content Pillars for Effective Messaging

Content pillars are a fundamental concept upon which you build your whole content strategy regardless of what types of content you create.

A content pillar is a broad and comprehensive topic or theme about which you create consistent content.

Content pillars create familiarity for your audience as they learn what type of content to expect from you, in alignment with your services and offers.

This workbook walks you through the key benefits of using content pillars in your marketing, as well as a proven 3-step method to identify yours and have them evolve along with your brand and business.

a woman with glasses and a tablet computer
a woman with glasses and a tablet computer

Master Your Marketing Processes with Content Calendars

Content calendars are tools used to plan, organize, and schedule content creation and distribution.

A content calendar can include one or various types of content like blogs, social media posts, videos, podcasts, or email newsletters.

In this short and actionable guide, we'll walk you through our 5-step formula to design a content calendar that works for your brand and business.

We will also cover the benefits of a content calendar and why a quarterly format is more effective and flexible than a yearly one.

a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee
a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee

Save Time and Maximize Impact with Content Repurposing

We talk a lot about content strategy and content creation, and rightfully so.

However, there is another part of any sound content strategy and process that supports you in building your personal brand and business.

This piece is content repurposing.

Repurposing your long-form content (typically a blog, podcast episode, or YouTube video) helps you get the most mileage out of each fresh piece of content you create.

This guide walks you through 21+ ways to repurpose your long-form content to save time and increase your impact.

You will also find recommendations on how to decide what repurposing methods to start with.

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop and a glass of wine
a woman sitting at a table with a laptop and a glass of wine

Content Resources Bonus Bundle

This bundle includes 5 more actionable resources on how to get started with content creation or simplify your marketing.

Resources included are:

  • How to Effectively Outsource Content Tasks

  • How to Be More Confident on Camera

  • How to Host a Virtual Event

  • Inclusive English Language 101

  • Reflection Prompts to Show Up Authentically

a group of people standing around a table with a tablet
a group of people standing around a table with a tablet

I had the pleasure of meeting Natacha to discuss her coaching business. I came prepared to give her tips and strategies on how to make her business a success. What I did not expect was for her to give me so many awesome tips on content creation. I will take the nuggets she provided to make my YouTube content journey even better. I'm so excited to try what she suggested. Thanks again Natacha for sharing your content creation knowledge with me.


a woman with dark short hair and a blue blazer
a woman with dark short hair and a blue blazer

Natacha made creating video content less daunting, more accessible, and something I can now achieve. Before working with her, I knew video content was something I should be doing, but there was no way I’d ever do it. I didn’t have the equipment, time, or technological knowledge. Working with Natacha made me feel validated because I’m not the only person who feels like this and she gave me accessible and time-saving alternatives for video content, such as lives. I now feel like I can achieve video content without fear or overwhelm, which many business owners need.


a woman with glasses and a purple sweater
a woman with glasses and a purple sweater

I recommend Natacha to anyone wanting to overcome a challenge in their YouTube content strategy. Working with her was very easy through Zoom, and I was impressed that she did a lot of preparation, including a full channel audit.

She recorded the session, too, so I would have everything to look back on in the future. I didn't have to take notes as she also provided the transcripts and materials, so I could maintain focus on the valuable tips and ask questions along the way. I did not feel rushed, and the information was thorough and easy to comprehend.

Before working with Natacha, my YouTube channel was only getting sparse views and I was feeling frustrated by not knowing where I was making mistakes. Natacha told me what I was doing correctly and what needed fixing so that I could focus on what to change while continuing to do what worked well. This helped me focus and create a plan!
